It's the Halloween season according to stores, neighbors yards, and soon-to-be trick-or-treaters everywhere. So I thought that'd I'd write about death.
It's a conversation most people don't want to have, and yet it's right in front of our faces -especially during this season.
So let's talk...
Yesterday morning I met a neighbor that I hadn't met before. She introduced herself and I did the same. I opened up to her about my daughter Taylor dying from cancer last March...in fact I couldn't help but cry as I told her...and she told me that she's a breast cancer survivor.
Then I threw out, "well, one thing I've realized is that we can't stop death. We have no control over it and it's just a reality that we all have to face."
...Yah, I said that. I guess I'm just feeling extra bold these days...
We can't stop death.
I know, totally sobering to think about, but a truth. One day we are all going to die. We are all going to experience death. We can try to slow down that ticking clock, but we cannot stop it no matter how hard we try.
How does this make you feel? I'll tell you how I feel...it's very different than how I felt a year and a half ago.
I feel free.
I feel free from the fear of death because not only do I know where I am going after I die, but because I know that I can't do anything to stop it.
That's the freedom you and I need to live our life fearlessly; to go where ever the Lord leads and speak whenever he directs us too, subsequently walking out this life in strength and victory.
Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil —and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. Hebrews 2:14-15 NIV
We can't stop death but we can live free-er lives while we're here.
Will you join me in releasing the fear of death from your life and let's focus together on really living free!
I thank you for the cross and the freedom that you bring to me. Forgive me for holding on so tightly to the fear of death. I release that fear to you now and receive your peace and joy. Lord, show me how to really live for you; fearlessly.
In Jesus name, Amen.